Dec 19, 2007

Embrace the Season

Is it time to take your life off hold and embrace your season?
Kathleen Hardaway

If you keep doing what you’re doing today, where will you be ten years from now? As singles, there is a tendency to put life on hold, waiting for that day you finally walk the aisle, when that ring goes on your finger, when you say, “I do.” Then, you think, life will truly begin.

Your desire to marry is very natural and normal. In many ways I believe God made us this way. But what are you doing today? Embrace every moment you have - now.
Life is full of wonderful and terrific opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t stop dreaming. Don’t stop seeking God for His divine appointments. Live life with moments that take your breath away. Don’t live your life “on hold.”

Stop and enjoy a beautiful sunset, the ocean, the mountains, the moon, the stars, a rainbow. Embrace the Creator of the universe. Embrace the beauty of His creation, His magnitude, His greatness, His love. Embrace life, knowing God has a plan even when you don’t always understand it or see it. Embrace His Word when life doesn’t make sense.

God says He has a plan, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan to give you a hope and a future. Call upon Him and pray. Seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Don’t lose heart! Keep believing God no matter what disappointments come. Have you had another relationship fall apart? I understand. Press on!

When life is frustrating, He remains faithful. When you’re tired of waiting, He remains constant. When you’re sick and tired of being single, embrace your freedom.

1. Exercise when you like.
2. Go on a vacation when you like.
3. Change the thermostat how you like.
4. Invite friends over when you like.
5. Watch the programs you like.
6. Change the channels when you like.
7.Spend your money how you like (according to God’s principles).
8. Go to the movies you like (according to God’s standards).
9. Eat the food you like. (Keep it healthy.)
10.Dress the way you like. (Keep it wholesome.)
11.Go to bed when you like. (Keeping it healthy.)
12.Go to the church you like (by God’s direction).
13.Work in the ministry you like (by God’s direction).

If you marry, the above list may dramatically change. Your freedom changes to a commitment to another. Your desire is to please your mate. Marriage would add a wonderful new set of things you may be able to do, but don’t forget the things you would lose.

Today can you embrace your singleness? Consider all the wonderful opportunities you’ve been given. Live it, love it, enjoy it, and embrace it!

May God fill you with His great joy! Embrace the moment!

"You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

—Psalm 16:11

Nov 17, 2007

When can I get my own flat?

Property market in Singapore is so hot for the past few months that the prices of both public and private housing have gone up a lot since last year. I was planning to get my own flat this year so that I can finally have my own personal space. I was planning to get a big new wardrobe to hang up all my clothes which is now "residing" in a very packed and cramped wardrobe which I shared with my sister. And all my shoes which cannot see the light cos they are all "sitting" inside the individual shoe boxes due to storage space constraints. Not only that, all my pans, my tools are all over the place and I cannot house them in one place inside my mum's kitchen.

I am already fantasizing about my dream home, how I want to renovate it to be cosy and comfortable, well equipped with state of art cools gadgets, how to create lots of storage space for my clothes, my shoes, my cooking tools and gears, the wardrobe I want, the kitchen cabinet I want fitted, etc etc........too bad, now they will have to stay where they are, in my fantasy dreamland till the property prices come down.

Hopefully it will be soon........HDB, please build more new flats.......

Oct 31, 2007

What is this blog all about?

Got bitten by the blogging bug and have started to blog since September this year. Since I love to cook, bake and take pics of food in general, it seems natural for me to start a food blog first. Ever since I started blogging, I seem to have so much things to blog about, from the things I see, hear and experience. It seems more appropriate to have another blog to share with friends about all these thoughts and experiences and as they were non-food related post, I am reluctant to post them into my first food blog and so this blog is "born".

Nothing holy molly and might not be a smooth writer's prose. Just simple posts about daily life in this little island I called HOME. Glad to share little nuggets from an experience I called LIFE. Let's embark on this wonderful journey together!